Chanthaburi Marine National Museum (Noen Wong Camp)

Photo Credit: พิพิธภัณฑสถานแห่งชาติพาณิชย์นาวี จันทบุรี

Chanthaburi Marine National Museum (Noen Wong Camp)

Nern Wong Camp, Moo 8, Bang Kacha, Mueang Chanthaburi District.

Since 1974, the Fine Arts Department has been engaged in studying, researching, and exploring underwater archaeology. Their efforts in surveying and excavating various underwater archaeological sites have significantly increased the number of artifacts found. Establishing a museum to disseminate knowledge about underwater archaeological work and the history of maritime commerce in Thailand soon became an essential task. Additionally, the arrest of foreign nationals involved in illegally salvaging artifacts from the waters of the Gulf of Thailand has been a crucial impetus, raising awareness among Thais about the value and significance of cultural heritage found in the sea. These findings provide evidence that aids in researching the past and recounting the stories related to historical maritime trade. The National Maritime Commerce Museum was graciously inaugurated by Her Royal Highness Princess Galyani Vadhana, the Princess of Naradhiwas Rajanagarindra, who presided over the official opening ceremony on Tuesday, January 9, 2001.

Province: Chanthaburi

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Mink Wongpaisansin

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