City Pillar Shrine

Photo Credit: ททท.สำนักงานลำปาง

City Pillar Shrine

Boonwat Road, Hua Wiang, Lampang

Visited Lampang Don't forget to pay your respects to the teak wood city pillar, which is assumed to have been built over a hundred years ago. with the creation of the first digit around the year 2400, followed by the second digit in the year 1873 and the third digit in the year 1886, later in the year 1897 there was Creation of the town hall Therefore, this city pillar was placed in front of the city hall. And built a Mondop to cover the three city pillars in 1968. At present, the City Pillar Shrine is a collection of ancient city pillars from different places for centuries and also houses Luang Pho Dam, the sacred Buddha image that Lampang people respect very much. Open daily from 06.00-17.00

Province: Lampang

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ลลิตา วันลาไม่เคยพอ

Member since 26/11/2020







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