"Sa Wang Arun Noodle" is a renowned beef noodle restaurant celebrated for its exceptional flavors, boasting over 50 years of experience since its original location at the Oscar Theater. Their menu features a variety of beef noodle dishes, including beef soup, hot pot, and tender shabu beef. A must-try recommendation is their beef stew soup, where the restaurant carefully selects high-quality beef from the marbled brisket, complemented by fresh offal and glass noodles. The broth is aromatic and perfectly balanced with Chinese herbs, making it a delight whether ordered in a bowl or as a hot pot.
Photo Credit: ก๋วยเตี๋ยวเนื้อสว่างอรุณ- คู้บอน
Sawang Arun Noodle Khubon 41
Province: Bangkok Metropolis
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