Pad Thai Pratu Pee, renowned for its long queues, is the original branch located in Phra Nakhon. They offer both traditional stir-fried Thai noodles and Jang noodles, with options for prawn roe or fresh seafood, allowing you to choose according to your preference. The restaurant highly recommends their 100% fresh-squeezed orange juice. The flavors of the dishes tend towards the sweeter side, and the staff provide excellent service. You can park your car at Sak Siri, where the parking fee is 40 baht per hour.
Thip Samai Pad Thai Pratu Phi
Province: Bangkok Metropolis
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Contact Information
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Hour of Operation
- Monday:10:00 - 01:00
- Tuesday:10:00 - 01:00
- Wednesday:10:00 - 01:00
- Thursday:10:00 - 01:00
- Friday:10:00 - 01:00
- Saturday:10:00 - 01:00
- Sunday:10:00 - 01:00