Chiang Rai Temple

Photo Credit: ททท.สำนักงานลำปาง

Chiang Rai Temple

Suan Dok Mueang Lampang

Wat Chiang Rai (CHIANGRAI TEMPLE) Chiang Rai Temple Maha Nikaya Sangha Built in the year 1657 by Chao Phraya Mahayothan Rathibadi Sri Phichai Narong. or Phraya Jeng The ancestor of the northern Gadhseni clan sent Phraya Chomphu, his son, together with his maternal relatives. who is the northern lord of the royal family, Chiang Rai, built the village and Wat Chiang Rai to honor the history of the Chiang Rai family. And was granted Wisungkhamsima in 1914, preserving the style of the original temple which is Lanna art applied to all the central arts The renovation was completed in 2012 with the development of Phra Thep Wisutsophon's cubicle. former abbot To be a museum to be a source of learning about culture. and the public service of former abbots in each period that has been developed and create prosperity for the temple as well as being the center of the mind of Buddhists who have faith Inside the temple enshrines the main Buddha image. which is a Buddha image in the giving blessing posture

Province: Lampang

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Member since 26/11/2020







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