"Koh Phet" is located in the Tambon Koh Phet of Laem Sing District. A short 10-minute boat ride takes you to this charming little island, which boasts numerous picturesque photo spots. One of its highlights is the stunning Tham Lot Tham Thalu cave, a must-visit for photography enthusiasts. Situated close to the coastline, the island is home to many fishermen and locals who have built their houses here. In recent years, a road was constructed to connect the island to the mainland, making travel in and out of the area much more convenient. As a result, the island's previous charm as a remote sea getaway has diminished.
Photo Credit: Facebook: ท่องเที่ยวชุมชนเกาะเปริด
Ko Phrid (or Koh Phrid)
Province: Chanthaburi