Heaven Kwai Resort - Heaven Kwai Resort

Photo Credit: Facebook Page : Heaven Kwai Resort

Heaven Kwai Resort - Heaven Kwai Resort

Lum Sum Subdistrict, Sai Yok District

Heaven Kwai Resort, the first adventure resort of Sai Yok District. Kanchanaburi An atmosphere that allows you to get closer to nature. Surrounded by mountains and the clear and cool river of the Kwai Noi River meets perfectly. Which is rich in fresh air and has activities to support various types of services such as a simulated climbing base, battle base, pool slides, paintball fields, ATVs, rafting on the Khwae Noi River You can get details / information about room types and prices at www.heavenkwai.com Click on the villa to see details of accommodation types and prices available.

Province: Kanchanaburi

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Patsraporn Lovanchai

Patsraporn Lovanchai

Member since 02/10/2022







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