Tai Lue House Mae Saeng Da

Photo Credit: Facebook page: เฮือนไตลื้อแม่แสงดา อ.เชียงคำ จ.พะเยา

Tai Lue House Mae Saeng Da

Yuan Subdistrict, Chiang Kham District.

Mae Sang Da's Tai Lue House is a historical attraction located in Chiang Kham, showcasing the stunning architectural style of the Tai Lue people. This beautifully preserved house has been maintained in its original condition, with no modern renovations or decorations added, as a commitment to preserving its authenticity for future generations to admire. Visitors can explore the intricate art and design of ancient Tai Lue architecture (from the Sipsong Panna region) at this location. Moreover, there is an opportunity to view and purchase traditional Tai Lue clothing and accessories, providing a unique insight into their rich cultural heritage.

Province: Phayao

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พี ปากเกร็ด

พี ปากเกร็ด

Member since 09/12/2019







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