Sawang Arun Noodle Khubon 41

Sawang Arun Noodle Khubon 41

The restaurant "Sawaeng Arun Noodle Shop" is located in Soi Khu Bon 41.

Sawang Arun Noodle Shop is a renowned establishment that specializes in beef noodles, with an impressive culinary legacy spanning over 50 years. Originally located near the Oscar Theater, this restaurant has established itself as a go-to destination for noodle lovers. Their menu offers a variety of beef noodle dishes, including "Kao Lao" (beef soup), hot pot, and lightly boiled beef shank. One standout dish that I highly recommend is the braised beef Kao Lao. The restaurant selects only high-quality meats, featuring marbled beef belly and assorted entrails. The rich broth is infused with fragrant Chinese herbs, creating a harmonious flavor that is both comforting and satisfying. Whether you choose to enjoy it in a bowl or as a hot pot, this dish promises an unforgettable experience for your taste buds.

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Aom Kamonchanok

Member since 22/10/2019







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