The Riw Yeang Thai Shrine, also known as the Eight Immortals Temple, is a sacred place dedicated to the eight immortal deities of Chinese tradition, particularly to the revered Pak Kian Chow Su. Established by the Sawaeng Sathathamsan Foundation (Meng Huai Xiang Tua), which is the 17th foundation of the Buddhist Charity Association of Thailand, this shrine serves as a sanctuary for veneration according to Chinese beliefs and a venue for various charitable acts. The main building features two stories of traditional Chinese architecture. On the ground floor, visitors can find the statue of Maitreya Bodhisattva (Shri Ariya) and the elder Gui Huk. The second floor boasts eight altars, which include an altar dedicated to Pak Kian Chow Su, the altar of the Earth and Heaven Deities (Ti Ti Pa Bo), and replicas of the Phra Buddha Chinnarat and Phra Buddha Sothon. It also houses the statue of the Great Kuan Yin Bodhisattva, Hwa Tso Siang Su, as well as the hall for the Kuan Yin Bodhisattva and the hall of the revered Master Siang Le Kung.
Photo Credit: วิหารแปดเซียนแปดริ้ว สว่างศรัทธาธรรมสถาน
Eight Immortals Temple
Province: Chachoengsao
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